City of Bayswater Council Election Guide

Welcome to the Future Bayswater City of Bayswater Council Election Guide 2017
Polling closes on Saturday 21st October 6pm*

We've done the hard work for you!

Once the list of candidates was published, Future Bayswater contacted all candidates in all wards to outline their commitments to the Bayswater Town Centre and the Meltham station precinct.

We appreciate the time it takes for busy candidates to respond.
Bayswater and Meltham are important to us all and we need to understand the commitments and priorities from each candidate so that you can have an informed vote.

Future Bayswater will never tell you how to vote.

We stand firmly committed to being no political and non partisan.
Elections are about choices.

Bayswater town centre and Meltham station precinct have reached a crossroad and you the voter can influence how the future of this  town centre  and precinct will be shaped.

You may have already made up your mind - or may not even be aware there is a local  election coming up - either way it's time to start weighing up your choices.

Although some wards are neither adjacent nor encompass the Bayswater Town Centre or Meltham Station Precinct, each elected councilor will be required to vote on the major issues regarding these two precincts. The Role of the Councillor Fact Sheet #2 produced by the Department of Local Government , Sport and Cultural Industries has this to say..

"The representation of electors’ views is complicated in councils that operate under a ward system. Here, the councillor has both a duty to present the views of electors in his or her ward and also to consider the good of the district as a whole when making a decision."

Click on the images below
to find out what each candidate had to say.

If you wish to read the entire written responses from the candidates, links are provided below

Vote for the candidate whose promises for Bayswater and Meltham match up with what you think is important.

Note that we have ordered the responses in the same order as the ballot paper. It does not reflect any preferences on the part of Future Bayswater.

Download the full set of questions asked and the responses  below:-

Letter to Candidates HERE

Official Candidate Profiles submitted to the AEC can be found HERE

How to Vote

The City holds postal elections, which are conducted on the City's behalf by the Western Australian Electoral Commission.
You will start to receive voting packages in your regular mail roundabout 28 September.
Vote by completing the ballot paper and then either:- 
1. Return your vote by post following the enclosed instructions ( allow for mail time)
2. Deliver it by hand to the City's Administration Building prior to or on polling day : Saturday 21st October 2017, 6.00pm*

* The polling booth athe Bayswater Administration Centre ( The council buildings) closes at 6pm. If you are just going to drop off your completed vote, all is good. If you need to complete the paper work at the booth, please allow some time for this!

The Future Bayswater Election Guides have been inspired by the Future Perth State Election Guide 2013. Thanks guys!