Vision for the Bayswater Town Centre

What did we Ask?

What is your vision for the future of the Bayswater Town Centre and Train Station?

Why did we ask it?

Bayswater Town Centre has seen little change or investment over the last 50 years. A Structure Plan has been proposed by the City of Bayswater. Once the Structure Plan is approved by WAPC and adopted in its final form, the new council will need to deal with the consequences and opportunities it generates. The responses to t his question may provide prospective voters with an indicator of the candidates' visions for the future of this important precinct and some insight into their likely voting intent on proposed development within this area if they were to be elected.

West Ward

 Ben Dellar

My vision is for it to become a beautiful community hub that is thriving with activity where generations of families can live, work, eat, drink, shop and play. We must truly take advantage of the amazing potential offered by the future Forrestfield Airport Link and Ellenbrook lines that will make the Bayswater station precinct the second most important behind only Perth. We need to create a town centre that prioritises people over cars and encourages pedestrians and cycling activity. We also need to provide more shade and better amenities to make the town centre attractive for people to stay longer, shop and socialise. The revitalisation of the town centre also provides the opportunity for housing diversity that helps to create a options for people of all ages, in particular younger and older residents who want to “right size” in their housing choice.

 Terrence Kenyon

To see a vibrant town ,family, youth orientated center. Retaining the heritage,slowing traffic thru the area to 40kl

 Lorna Clarke

I love our local area; I value our gardens, parks, heritage and vibrant community. As an environmental and energy lawyer, I studied at the London School of Economics before my fiancé and I moved into our heritage home on Coode Street. Our two shelter dogs, Muddle and Hobbes, absolutely love the dog-friendly parks nearby.
I want to see vibrant town centres in both Bayswater and Meltham. I also think we should ensure that development has sufficient community consultation, looks to the long term and balances a range of factors, such as density, site-specific planning, strong business communities, heritage and a range of housing options, from apartments, to town houses and public housing.
If elected, I will use all the avenues available to me on Council to represent locals and ensure there is extensive local, consultation on these issues.

 Giorgia Johnson

I couldn’t do better than reflect the community consultation on this and to echo the Vison of the draft Bayswater Town Centre Structure Plan for “A vibrant, green, transit-oriented and economically sustainable neighbourhood centre, that exemplifies quality and innovative development solutions to respecting local character and heritage.”With the projected increase in train and road traffic, sinking the railway line would be an exciting but possibly prohibitively expensive and messy opportunity for the community, which should certainly be pursued. I would like to explore less expensive options that will increase pedestrian and traffic flow and create opportunities to stop, shop and stay in our Town Centres e.g. more parking, wider, shaded pathways, slower traffic , more and attractive/accessible pedestrian crossing over the railway

 Martin Toldo

No response recieved

 Greg Smith

Pedestrian orientated human scale Town Centre where people coming from the airport train ‘See the Light’, and can enjoy the view-scape from the station; including approximately 50 Jacaranda trees.

South Ward

 Robyn Walsh

I echo the Vision of the draft Bayswater Town Centre Structure Plan “A vibrant, green, transit-oriented and economically sustainable neighbourhood centre, that exemplifies quality and innovative development solutions to respecting local character and heritage.
”My wording is this
Sustainable development, preserving our important history and ensuring new development respects heritage with juxtaposing with the new.
It will be great that there will increase pedestrian and traffic flow and create opportunities to stop, shop and stay in our Town Centres e.g. more parking, wider, shaded pathways, slower traffic , more and attractive/accessible pedestrian crossing over the railway.
Sinking the railway line would be an exciting but possibly prohibitively expensive and messy opportunity for the community, which should certainly be pursued.
I do not support giving the development to the MRA as proposed by Cr Fleeton, although partnerships and collaboration are great options.

 Kate Thomson

I would like to see Bayswater Town Centre become more functional, and an activity hub, with public transport properly integrated into the Town Centre.

 Elli Petersen-Pik

If elected, I will be studying the draft BTCSP (as well as the Meltham Station Precinct Structure Plan) in detail. I will also meet with the relevant stakeholders (including your group) to listen to the various views on the draft BTCSP. It is obviously a very important planning issue for Bayswater, and it would be irresponsible of me to provide any substantial comments before taking the time to consider the plan carefully and hear advice from the City's professional staff.

Central  Ward

 Barry McKenna

 I am happy to have building heights of 20 meters with a retail mix on the ground floor however these must be high quality developments in the Bayswater Town Centre which would still reflect and retain a village and historic feeling. Traffic management is a clear issue and tree cover is also needed to turn the area into a place which is friendly to pedestrians and offers passive policing. Bayswater Train Station needs to be redeveloped (and it needs toilet facilities as part of this redevelopment). The subway near the station needs to be over 5 meters not 3.8 meters and this should to done as a priority.

 Steven Ostaszewskyj

I have a vision for a town centre that incorporates an organic and sustainable balance of traditional, fashionable and innovative examples of housing, transport, leisure, retail and commerce. I have a vision for a town centre that recognises and takes advantage of its unique location within the metropolitan area. Through quality design and sensitivity for the surrounding environment, we have an opportunity to exemplify the City’s motto, “The Garden City, Quality Lifestyle”. We have the wonderful responsibility of creating heritage for the future. #OurLocalVoice

North Ward

 Stephanie Gray

My personal vision is somewhat irrelevant as it is the wishes of the community that I as a Councillor would strive to represent. It is clear that there is some division in the community’s views and I feel it is the role of council to listen carefully to all sides and seek a balanced outcome. We can’t always have exactly what we want, but with compromise and consideration for the best interests of the community I believe we should be able to find a resolution that all residents and small businesses can be satisfied with. We are after all seeking the best outcome for Bayswater.

 Ben Reale-Cornel

I strongly support initiatives to reinvigorate the Bayswater Town Centre as I believe with the right support and investment, it could become a vibrant destination that people travel to visit rather than just pass through on their way to somewhere better.Through well thought out, well designed, medium-high density housing and mixed-use development, we would really see the Bayswater Town Centre flourish.I strongly support the sinking of the Bayswater station to unite this physically divided town centre. With the right support – consultation with community stakeholder groups, Councillors at a local Government level supporting this, the State Government supporting it through Metronet and the Federal Government supporting it through the Smart Cities Program, we could see the proposal of sinking the train station come to fruition. Bayswater station is about to become a significantly more important station than ever before with the Airport Link, Midland and Ellenbrook all meeting there, so it would be a terrible shame to squander this opportunity now.

 Mark Whitehouse

As mentioned at the Bayswater Collective meeting - I am standing for the North ward, I have a strong personal belief in creating better and stronger Communities with a view to future needs not just the short term, Any redevelopment proposals would be considered with those factors as a high priority.

 Michael Anderton

The Bayswater Subway/Train Station is of concern to me as it needs to be resolved, I do not have the solution as I have not been party to these discussions but obviously this is the entry point to the town centre (or exit).

 Filomena Piffartti

No response recieved

 Michelle Sutherland

There has been many hours of discussion of the Bayswater Town Site and railway station. Obviously we have to get the town site right as it will be one of the first stops from the airport. My vision for Bayswater is that the town can joined with the sinking of the railway. I would like to see more quality diverse housing options around the train station. Being so close to the city it is imperative that we have higher density around the town centre so the town can be more economically viable. Higher density housing is a must if Bayswater is going to be a Metro hub. I would love to see King William Street more connected to the Swan River and become a dining and entertainment destination.
We need to allow both precincts [Bayswater + Meltham] to have mixed use zoning so they can be more economically and socially sustainable.

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