Every mode of transport is represented in Bayswater: Rail, Bus, Rail/Bus Interchange, Cars, Bicycles, Motorised Chairs and Pedestrians.
Integrated Transport Planning is essential to take advantage Bayswater's unique situation.
Why This Is A Key Focus Area
- Every mode of transport is represented in Bayswater: Rail, Bus, Rail/Bus Interchange, Cars, Bicycles, Motorised Chairs and Pedestrians.
- Every transport mode is interlinked and requires a cohesive future vision
- Parking pressures and conflicts exist between rail use, town centre use and residents
- The need to understand the responsibility to take advantage of the Capital Cost of Infrastructure Development of a railway line and station
- Cars currently dominate the Town Centre
- Bus interchange is clumsy and unsafe
- The bike path around the station is clumsy and unsafe
- The pedestrian journey lacks safety , is uncoordinated and with little integration.
- Access for all ages and abilities is not optimal
- Need to encourage (safe) walkability for a healthier community
- Once in a life-time opportunity to get it right.
- With FAL and MEL, Bayswater is the largest junction outside of Perth Station. It deserves robust rail planning to get it right.
Tools We Need To Support
This Key Focus Area
- In-depth all-inclusive Integrated Transport Planning
- Robust Transport Planning that integrates and supports the Town Centre
- Planning and Design that puts people first, not buses.
- Consultation with and input from Perth Transport Authority, Main Roads WA, Bike West, RACWA, pedestrian groups and City of Bayswater
- Community Engagement and Consultation
The Evidence
Integrating transport and land use influences the quality of development, the sustainability of development and the reliability on cars.
“If planned effectively, TODs [Transit Oriented Development] can achieve substantial mode shift from private vehicles to public transport, as well as improve liveability for residents..”
The Benefits of Transit Oriented Development (Click Link)
Future Bayswater: Future Vision
What is wanted? A livable, vibrant and connected Town Centre.
Why? To become a "go-to" destination rather than a place to "go through" in desperation.
How to do this? By supporting comprehensive planning and Future Vision.
Why Bayswater? It's a strategic inner urban hub that hasn't realised its full potential ... yet.
The 5 key other key areas of focus + action
Community Engagement & Consultation
Vibrancy Through Economic Development
Environmental Enhancement & Sustainablity
Diversity of Housing
Where will your children live?
Your demand for quality is important for the Future Bayswater that is being created.
There has been little change in 50 years but change is coming. How should it be managed?
This site and associated events will help inform our community on the elements of quality town centre planning, the benefits it can deliver and how we can advocate for optimal outcomes that meet the diverse needs and aspirations of current and future residents.