Bayswater Train Station

The Forrestfield Airport Link could provide a 'once-in-a-lifetime opportunity'
to sink the Bayswater station to unite a physically divided town  

Train at Bayswater Train Station

What did we Ask?

1. Will your government (Will you as a member of parliament) commit to the 'once-in-a-lifetime opportunity' to continue the rail tunneling a part of the Forrestfield Airport Link to sinks the rail line at the Bayswater Train Station? If yes, how?

Why did we ask it?

Tunnelling for the underground Forrestfield Airport link is planned to commence within the next twelve months. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to sink the station requires urgent consideration and prioritisation by the next State Government. Sinking the station will unite a physically divided town and support urban regeneration of a tired, lack-lustre and poor performing town centre.


Labor Response - Lisa Baker MLA

WA Labor agrees that this is a ‘once in a life time opportunity’ for Bayswater and will look for alternative funding sources which allow the very best solution to take rail through Bayswater. Sinking the line is one option.

A McGowan WA Labor Government will provide $40 million in addition to the $7miillion already allocated to upgrade Bayswater station. If elected, the METRONET team will work with engineers and the City of Bayswater to determine the best method to upgrade the station as part of an overall redevelopment of the Bayswater precinct informed by the structure plan currently being developed.

The Federal Government’s Smart Cities program is suited to WA Labor’s plan to create 21 Century jobs and industry for West Australians along the Forrestfield Airport Bayswater Link.

Additional commitments relating to the Forrestfield-Airport Line can be found at

Liberal Response - Amanda Madden

The Forrestfield Airport Link is a fantastic piece of infrastructure that will provide key economic gains for local business within WA. It is also a key piece of infrastructure that will provide an avenue for a number of key suburbs the ability to grow, develop and revitalise.

The sinking of a rail line is a process that requires collaboration with all levels of Government. A re-elected Liberal Government will continue to work closely with the City of Bayswater, the Federal Government and the relevant community stakeholders to ensure that this can be actioned. As a passionate local and the Liberal Candidate for Maylands, I believe very strongly in the importance of connecting local residents to the decision-makers in Government.

That’s why I recently arranged meetings with Future Bayswater and key Government Ministers – namely, Deputy Premier Hon Liza Harvey MLA and Minister for Planning; Disability Services Donna Faragher MLC.

Those meetings were positive, constructive and received good feedback from both sides. I will continue to work tirelessly for the people in the Maylands electorate and with Future Bayswater to find the best possible solution to the rail line issue. The first part of this process was that ensuring relevant Federal and State Ministers were fully updated about the proposal. Another significant step is with the Smart Cities Grant that we have been pushing the City of Bayswater to submit to the Federal Government as part of this overall proposal. This is something that the City of Bayswater has proposed to complete.

Greens' Response - Caroline Perks

The Greens believe that the community should have a voice in the decisions made locally, and this is an important local issue which needs to be considered. If key community groups and local stakeholders continue to support the station being put underground, then this is something which I would also support, advocate and commit to fighting for in Parliament.

In the previous Federal election, Tim Clifford, then Candidate for Perth and now our lead Upper House candidate for the East Metropolitan Region, committed to provide funding for a feasibility study, and for a genuine community engagement process in regards to sinking the Bayswater train station. I support Tim in this, and together we are deeply committed to comprehensive and ongoing community consultation and to investigating opportunities for revitalising the area.

Julie Matheson for WA - Greg Smith
