Revitalise Bayswater Town Centre
Transform Bayswater into the urban vibrant destination that supports local jobs and industry
What did we Ask?
1. Will your government (Will you as a member of parliament) commit to the revitalisation of the Bayswater Town Centre as a transport oriented hub through the planning for high density and mixed use development, including the use of existing State Government land in the Bayswater Town Centre including the PTA rail reserve and the State Government Housing site adjacent the train station? If yes, how?
Why did we ask it?
We know it's a bit of a long winded question. Basically, we want to know if there is State Government leadership to make Bayswater Town Centre a thriving transport oriented hub, and to use existing State Government land in the town centre to support renewal. Bayswater is primed to become a retrospectively designed transport oriented hub. The opportunity is now while the Town Centre is undergoing a structure planning process and the community is engaged.
Labor Response - Lisa Baker MLA
WA Labor is committed to an integrated urban transport and planning upgrade for the Bayswater Town Centre and Bayswater train station and has announced initial funding to start this work
Liberal Response - Amanda Madden
Revitalising the Bayswater Town Centre is an issue close to my heart and close to the hearts of many passionate local residents. I am committed to fighting hard at every step to securing the funding and support needed to help add further value to our already beautiful Bayswater Town Centre and its surrounds. As a Government with a strong record on urban development and infrastructure construction, I am confident that a re-elected Liberal Government will fully assess the viability of these proposals, and I am committed to bringing your thoughts and concerns to them.
Greens' Response - Caroline Perks
I understand that the revitalisation of the Bayswater Town Centre is an important issue that matters to the community. I commit to continuing to investigate the utilisation of State Government land in the Bayswater Town Centre and to undertaking comprehensive community consultation to ensure that the use of this land would be supported by the local community and by local businesses.
The Greens support medium-high density, especially close to existing public transport networks, which makes Bayswater an ideal location for revitalisation.
To the point of creating a local transport oriented hub, Greens Senator Scott Ludlam has led the development a joint study with the Property Council, CODA Studio and Curtin University Sustainability Policy Institute (CUSP):
“[This report] will showcase a new vision and guide for infill development and urban regeneration in our city. By focusing on the optimal development options for sites along some of Perth’s key transport corridors, our report demonstrates how well designed and innovative density can transform these corridors into vibrant Activity Corridors with a mix of housing, employment opportunities and services.[i]”
Within the #Designperth report, it outlines a more vibrant people oriented delivery of density, not simply measured in a number of people per hectare, but in quality and access to social and public amenity and infrastructure. Along with this vision, the Greens aim to build more meaningful community engagement into planning processes.
[i] Property Council. 2016. #DesignPerth: Preview.
Julie Matheson for WA - Greg Smith