Curtin University Comes To Bayswater!
A unique study is being undertaken by twenty-five Curtin University students in the Bayswater Town Centre. The project labelled as the ‘Bayswater Regeneration Hub’ investigates the Bayswater town centre as a place for sustainable urbanism and transit oriented design.
“The Hub” will operate for six months and is housed in the middle of the town centre, at 9 King William Street. The students studying their masters of architecture were recently welcomed to the Bayswater town centre with an induction tour as the first phase of the study

The venue, vacant for most of the last three decades, has been leased by Future Bayswater from Yolk Property Group, with support from the Bayswater Community Bank Branch of Bendigo Bank, and was recently fitted out with reused and donated furniture and materials to create the operational centre for the students.
Support from Bayswater Community Bank Branch of Bendigo Bank.
The chair of the Bayswater community Bank branch of Bendigo Bank,Barry McKenna said that
"The bank is keen to support such a positive and proactive initiative, as it could benefit local businesses and residents in the future."
“It is great to have Curtin University invest in our town centre and work with the local community. We are looking forward to seeing their creative concepts.”
The students will identify the key characteristics of the Bayswater town centre and the opportunities that are present to transform it into a transit supportive place.

Future Bayswater Welcomes Curtin University
Future Bayswater Chairman and local teacher Paul Shanahan said
“We are privileged to have Curtin’s best and brightest architecture students take a fresh look at our town centre and capture the community's vision and local opportunities to create a thriving transport oriented hub"
“It is a great time to be undertaking a study such as this, with the Forrestfield Airport Link and new Ellenbrook line on their way. Bayswater is set to be a significant Metrohub as part of the State Government’s visionary Metronet initiative.”

Professor Reena Tiwari
Curtin’s Professor Reena Tiwari will lead this study and advised that a there was a very strong demand from students to be involved in the project.
“The students are excited to br part of this significant initiative and will be given the opportunity to put their learning to the test in a practical manner.”
“They will research a range of reports and information, as well as conduct workshop consultations with the Bayswater community to inform their findings
“At the completion of the study the students will demonstrate their ideas via creative methods such as diagrams, text, video and pictures.”
Regeneration Scenarios
The Students brief is "sustainable urbanism through transit oriented design" and will identify issues in Bayswater and come up with six regeneration scenarios :-
- Bayswater - A People's Place: community identity, social interaction and place making
- Equitable Bayswater: Gender, age and physically challenged.
- Healthy Bayswater: Walking and cycling
- Safe Bayswater: Traffic safety and Design out crime
- Prosperous Bayswater: Jobs, housing and transprot.
- Digitally Smart Bayswater: Technology

Local Residents Invited!
The students will be spending an intensive week in the Bayswater Town Site in April and look forward to engaging with you, the Bayswater Residents, to gather personal information on your experience and vision for the Bayswater Town Centre.
If YOU would like to be invited to any of the sessions please make sure you are on the Future Bayswater Mailing List.
Sign up Below:-