Harnessing State Resources
What did we Ask?
What actions will you take to harness and coordinate the resources of the state government agencies in supporting the revitalisation of Bayswater and Meltham to integrate urban planning with transport planning?
Why did we ask it?
Metronet, Heritage Railway Lines and Station Precincts. Bayswater and Meltham tick all the boxes. State government is working hard to implement their vision and to be successful it needs to work with the local communities, particularly the leaders of our local communities: our councillors. So asking the candidate on their views on working with state government is important.
Specifically for Bayswater, the state government will be spending $86.2 million in the town centre and on the train station. This question raises the concept of working with state and federal governments to leverage and integrate planning and development.
West Ward
Ben Dellar
We have an amazing opportunity to transform Bayswater by taking advantage of the $86 million investment that the State Government has pledged to revitalise the station precinct, following community advocacy. This is a significant investment and will occur as part of Metronet with Forrestfield Airport Link and future Ellenbrook lines. Bayswater has the potential to become a thriving inner urban hub that rivals anywhere town centre in Perth. With integrated planning and alignment of resources at all levels of Government we can create a unique place where we can all live, work, eat, drink and play. Key to achieving this will be driving a more cohesive planning approach with the state government on the future configuration of the railway station to ensure that it integrates with the surrounding neighbourhood seamlessly. I will be a strong voice in facilitating an open and direct dialogue between the community and state agencies. I will call on the State Government to work with the City of Bayswater and the community and to align the resources of its agencies to optimise the investment in the station precinct and town centre.
Terrence Kenyon
Obtaining grants and funding from state and federal, to take leadership and work as a partner in the redevelopment to achieve the best outcome for Bayswater at minimum costs. Maximize parking facilities for businesses. Work with PTA and businesses. My record with state and federal is well known obtaining grants for $17.4 million with council's support to build The Rise. Total cost of building The Rise was approx $19.4 million, less funding achieved. Being a integral member of the redevelopment of the aged persons hostel, The Rise management, Civic Centre redevelopment saving the ratepayer's millions of dollars have the experience and drive to maximise this exciting project on behalf of all.
Lorna Clarke
Lorna's response did not include an specific answer to this question.
Giorgia Johnson
Great coordination between all levels of government and agencies is required to achieve the best outcomes for current and future residents and businesses of Bayswater and Meltham. There are State Government led developments in on the way, including the Forrestfield train line and the Tonkin Hwy extension that will impact on transport in our area. There have been developments since the initiation of the structure plans, including the possibility of including the MRA in development. I’d like to see a close working relationship, a kind of steering committee, between all groups that can achieve better outcomes for the community: planning, community, social and environmental.
Martin Toldo
No response received
Greg Smith
Given my vast experience (practical and academic) in Town Planning, I’ll be able to discuss and negotiate from a position of knowledge. Town Planning is, inter-alia, fundamentally about the relationship between access and land use. Talking about Town Planning and Transport Planning as separate issues illustrates a failure of comprehension, and when you don’t comprehend the issues, you are unable to provide suitable solutions. I comprehend.
South Ward
Robyn Walsh
For the entire corridor from East Perth subway to Tonkin Hwy and the river to Beaufort needs to have a full State/ Local Govt/Business/Resident plan. Each town center, each road and the railway line are ,making decisions separately and having an impact on each other. yet facing similar issues. i also believe that the Public Transport system overall needs more consumer hands on, I have already been advocating for an consumer advisory committee for PTC
Kate Thomson
I think it is likely that the State Government will take over planning for the Bayswater Town Centre due to the financial commitments of the State Government to the centre. If this is the case than I will lobby for adequate local representation in that planning process so that State priorities do not overwhelm the needs of the local community.I have worked for a number of State government agencies (including Department of Planning), so I would look to be involved in lobbying State government for resources for planning around the Meltham Station.My qualifications in Environmental Design (urban design and architecture) and Town Planning would allow me to make substantial contributions to this process, as will the Masters of Law, Policy and Government I have almost completed (one unit left!).
Elli Petersen-Pik
Elli's response did not include an specific answer to this question.
Central Ward
Barry McKenna
Action needs to be taken to involve our city officers meeting with the new department members. The State Government has recently re organized the ministries at an officer level and now is the time to make new relationships with the new director generals and key officers in the WAPC, Departments of Planning and Transport and others. I can meet with the Ministers but the real work is done by the officers. Developing relationships is key to the success of these projects. Recently the Senior Officers of Bayswater Council and I had a meeting with the members of Land Corp to discuss the City of Bayswater. Meetings such as these harness and co-ordinate the states resources and more need to be done
Steven Ostaszewskyj
People in our community come from all walks of life and have a multitude of personal and professional experiences and connections. Through conversation and personal interactions we can build trusting relationships. These meaningful relationships with residents, ratepayers, community groups, planning and transport professionals,councillors, state and federal members of government means we have a significant human resource that we can access. Through open, transparent and honest dialogue that focuses on the needs of the community instead of party politics and personal ambition, we have a greater chance to harness and coordinate resources. It is time to focus on people.We are stronger as a whole when we work together. #osta4bayswater
North Ward
Stephanie Gray
State government support and resources are vital, but I feel strongly that the City of Bayswater should remain the driving force behind any redevelopment. The vision and direction must be guided by local voices.
Ben Reale-Cornel
As previously stated, I don’t believe the future vision of Bayswater and Meltham can go ahead without the support of the State and Federal Governments through initiatives like Smart Cities.All levels of Government will need to work hand in hand to see this town site flourish, and I will strongly advocate from a local level to the State and Federal Governments to ensure the voices of the residents are heard.
Mark Whitehouse
However I also think a bigger picture has to be implemented, The City of Bayswater in general in under utilised and not recognised for it's diversity of business types, it's proximity to the airport and improved highway and it's closeness to the CBD. Revitalising the Bayswater industrial area in a way that benefits the whole of the City is something I am planning many of these ideas require a strong link to State government agencies.
Michael Anderton
My actions as a councillor are subject to the local government act and I would support the Mayor who speaks for the Council in engaging with State and Federal members to reach positive outcomes for our community and to liaison with the agencies responsible for these developments.
Filomena Piffartti
No response received
Michelle Sutherland
Again it is difficult for a single councillor to personally drive this. Obviously you can push advocating through motions. ( eg: I put a motion up for underground power ) but unless it has the whole council support then nothing gets done.I would advocate for more integrated planning approach. At the moment I feel our planning is too ad hoc. There are so many agencies involved – Department of transport, WAPC, Department of Planning & the PTA.Locally, working with the EMRC to start working on a smarts cities grant for not just Bayswater and Meltham but the whole eastern corridor. This would lift the Bayswater and Meltham town site.Obviously it is important to get on board with Metro net and Metro hubs. We have to work closely with the local member and Federal govt agencies as well. It is good that the Minister of Cities has a good idea about the Bayswater town site.