Vision for the Meltham Station Precinct
What did we Ask?
What is your vision for the future of the Meltham Station Precinct?
Why did we ask it?
The structure plan that was proposed for the Meltham Station Precinct in 2017 created a passionate response and at times divided parts of the community. The structure plan is currently being assessed at WAPC. The consequences of the assessment will need to be dealt with by the new council. The responses to this question may provide prospective voters with an indicator of the candidates’ visions for the future of this precinct and some insight into their likely voting intent on proposed development within this area if they were to be elected.
West Ward
Ben Dellar
I want to see a thriving Meltham with a variety of housing and shopping options. Meltham has a great deal of untapped potential being a station hub so close to the Perth CBD. It is unfortunate that the area around the train station is currently so desolate with closed shops; however I am hopeful that this is something we can rectify by providing sustainable options for people living in and around the centre of Meltham to build a thriving hub for this great community. We also need to ensure that there is quality open space and local amenities in order to provide a range of activity options for people to visit the area.
Terrence Kenyon
Consultation with Meltham ratepayers and not adhoc buildings put in place. Residents need to be heard, proper planning and conditions and safe guards to protect the community from over development and ruining the character of the area.
Lorna Clarke
I love our local area; I value our gardens, parks, heritage and vibrant community. As an environmental and energy lawyer, I studied at the London School of Economics before my fiancé and I moved into our heritage home on Coode Street. Our two shelter dogs, Muddle and Hobbes, absolutely love the dog-friendly parks nearby.
I want to see vibrant town centres in both Bayswater and Meltham. I also think we should ensure that development has sufficient community consultation, looks to the long term and balances a range of factors, such as density, site-specific planning, strong business communities, heritage and a range of housing options, from apartments, to town houses and public housing.
If elected, I will use all the avenues available to me on Council to represent locals and ensure there is extensive local, consultation on these issues.
Giorgia Johnson
A connected local neighbourhood. We could even call it Meltham!Essentially similar to Bayswater, but Meltham is coming from a different place. We can strengthen local democracy by strengthening our community and local economy. This may result from planning to increase density that works with the local topography - maintaining and creating views, cool green spaces and breezes (not wind tunnels), increasing connectivity and encouraging micro retail and small scale business opportunities
Martin Toldo
No response received
Greg Smith
For any Structure Plan to give priority to the residents which want to live within the Precinct, NOT developers who don’t.Any Structure Plan must include significant Public Open Space and a potential light rail link from Meltham station to Trigg - along Grand Prom, Morley Drive & Karrinyup Rd.
South Ward
Robyn Walsh
Meltham is a connected local neighbourhood. It's amazing how adversity can build community and this is what has happened in Meltham.
We can strengthen local democracy by strengthening our community and local economy. This may result from planning to increase density that works with the local topography - maintaining and creating views, cool green spaces and breezes (not wind tunnels), increasing connectivity and encouraging micro retail and small scale business opportunities.I could not support one extra dwelling until there is consultation and planning for the movement from home to work and other activities. The bottle neck at Meltham station and the infrequent trains stopping currently make it marginal - even talk of closing the station earlier this year
Kate Thomson
I would like to see higher residential densities at the Meltham train station coupled with good design outcomes, human scale considerations, and adequate public open space.
Elli Petersen-Pik
If elected, I will be studying the draft BTCSP (as well as the Meltham Station Precinct Structure Plan) in detail. I will also meet with the relevant stakeholders (including your group) to listen to the various views on the draft BTCSP. It is obviously a very important planning issue for Bayswater, and it would be irresponsible of me to provide any substantial comments before taking the time to consider the plan carefully and hear advice from the City's professional staff.
Central Ward
Barry McKenna
I support the council’s resolution on the Meltham’s Structure plan put up by the private developer. Good infill needs public open space which I saw lacking in the proposal.
Steven Ostaszewskyj
I have a vision for a council which builds relationships with the community, land owners and developers to support the best interests of all stakeholders in this area. There is potential for revitalisation which will provide better amenity for residents and I imagine a diverse portfolio of accommodation offerings surrounding this transport hub. Creating a pedestrian friendly environment that promotes the use of public transport is something I would like to see happening within the City. #OurLocalNeeds
North Ward
Stephanie Gray
My response to this is similar the previous question [Bayswater Vision]. It is the residents of the Meltham, in consultation with council and planning advisors that should drive the vision.
Ben Reale-Cornel
I have heard that due to the low patronage figures, there was potential for the Meltham Train Station to close. I am hopefully that that will not happen and I would strongly advocate against that as I believe we need to strengthen our public transport system in the City of Bayswater, not weaken it. To stop the station from closing, we will need to see an increase in patronage and that would include seeing more investment going into the area around the Meltham Train Station and seeing the area reinvigorated to help increase that demand
Mark Whitehouse
Creating vibrant and successful redevelopments should be considered throughout the City of Bayswater. Meltham precinct will be one of many redevelopments undertaken before the 2030 strategy is implemented in full. Opportunities to revitalise areas don't happen very often and require community consultation, a concise vision and thought to the future needs of the area.
Michael Anderton
Meltham Station is an area that is to my knowledge that is up for renewal and beyond that I know very little.
Filomena Piffartti
No response received
Michelle Sutherland
Meltham Station Precinct - Not sure what to say about this one. Before the last election there was lot of angst about the possible closure of the Meltham train station. Only around 500 people use the station a day. The council obviously is not happy about this. The State Government want higher density living along railway lines so the council has to get on board. As a councillor we need to promote the idea of higher density living and the benefits it will bring in terms of more vibrancy in the local areas.There needs to be better connectivity between the Frank Drago sports precinct and the Meltham town site. This is one area I would be keen to see progress.I think the problem is people envisage low cost housing with higher density but with a design advisory committee I think we can get around this.
We need to allow both precincts [Bayswater + Meltham] to have mixed use zoning so they can be more economically and socially sustainable