Investment Generation
What did we Ask?
What actions will you personally take to generate investment in the Bayswater Town Centre and the Meltham precinct to create vibrant, connected, pedestrian friendly and economically viable employment hubs?
Why did we ask it?
There is much talk about creating vibrant and thriving town centres and precincts. The matter remains is that for this to happen investment will need to occur. So we asked" what action will you personally take" specifically to get a feel for the understanding of economic forces that a candidate may have into the creation of such hubs and how much personal work they will put into it.
West Ward
Ben Dellar
For any area to be enhanced we cannot rely on local government alone, we need people to invest their funds and resources to generate positive outcomes for our community. We must create certainty and have clear guidelines around what development we as a community want to see. Ensuring that we are clear on what constitutes quality along with demonstrating an openness to positive change, will reduce uncertainty. We need to be proactive in encouraging investment in our town centres to foster business activity, local jobs and to create places that we can all gather and socialise. One key action I will take will be to advocate for design guidelines for these key precincts to ensure quality development. I will also seek agreement that developers make a contribution to the local amenity – via a “Developer Contribution Scheme”.
Terrence Kenyon
Would push for the redevelopment of the Bayswater library site to put commercial at lower level and start the redevelopment with council owned facility with council's support. Integrating heritage,
Lorna Clarke
Lorna's response did not include an answer to this question specifically.
Giorgia Johnson
Meltham has good local advocates and needs a local council and community driven structure plan.The Bayswater Town Centre needs certainty and the quick adoption of the structure plan, along with the recommended steps to develop local development guidelines and traffic management plan. Subsequent developments, including additional funding for the Bayswater train station upgrade and the referral by the council of the Town Centre to the Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority and the recommendation to Main Roads to reduce the speed to 40km/h make this structure plan both not the complete picture and a vital supporting document
Martin Toldo
No response received
Greg Smith
I will make intelligent, sensitive, fine-grained decisions on Council which represent the ratepayers in Bayswater, not the development industry. I will vote to rescind SCA12 which is causing planning blight and as a consequence is the problem, not the solution. I will vote to allow Bayswater Townsite to be a pedestrian friendly human-scale precinct; just like Beaufort St, Mt Lawley; Napoleon St, Cottesloe; George St, East Fremantle; Oxford St, Leederville etc.
South Ward
Robyn Walsh
Meltham has good local advocates and needs a local council and community driven structure plan.The Bayswater Town Centre needs certainty and the quick adoption of the structure plan, along with the recommended steps to develop local development guidelines and traffic management plan. Subsequent developments, including additional funding for the Bayswater train station upgrade.
Kate Thomson
Placemaking methods which are currently being applied to other town centres in the City of Bayswater (including by Creative Maylands - a group which I chair) would assist in Bayswater becoming a more active Town Centre, encouraging more people to use and enjoy it, which will also contribute to the economic viability of the town.
Elli Petersen-Pik
Elli's response did not include an answer to this question specifically.
Central Ward
Barry McKenna
I have met with the Minister for Planning and Transport to discuss both proposals and the local Member for Maylands. I will continue to do this. The council can continue to improve streetscape, traffic management and planning and the State Government needs to provide the money for the transport improvements. It is these improvements that will attract private investment.
All considerations with the stations appear to be part of Metronet which is a Labor Party commitment. I have asked the Minister that the City of Bayswater be consulted early and frequently on any proposals
Steven Ostaszewskyj
By promoting the central location and proximity of these precincts to the Swan River,Airport, Galleria, Swan Valley, Perth CBD, Kings Park and our beaches, we can highlight new opportunities available to residents, business and government for living,working, resting and playing. I will be an advocate. I am particularly interested in generating artistic, cultural, sporting and innovative investment in this central location.We can also develop our links to similar metropolitan councils that are working to achieving similar goals. #OurLocalServices
North Ward
Stephanie Gray
My duty as a councillor would be to research and understand the options available for the revitalisation of these areas as well as exploring the wishes of the residents and small businesses. I sampled a taste of the views at the candidate forum, however I think that just scratched the surface and I am very keen to understand further about the various viewpoints on the direction of these very important precincts.
Ben Reale-Cornel
If elected to council, I will advocate for policies and ideas that will generate investment in the Bayswater Town Centre and the Meltham Precinct to help create a more vibrant and liveable destination.I would support well thought out, well designed, medium-high density housing and mixed-use development around the train stations to see the area become more connected and make businesses and investment more economically viable.
Mark Whitehouse
My area of direct personal responsibility won't be BTC. Although I had a strong background in business vibrancy as a past President of CEBA. Business group consultation and rebuilding of the Trader Advisory Group is high on my agenda.
Michael Anderton
If elected my actions will be of support of all community hubs throughout Bayswater's four Wards so that they generate increased local employment and improve connectivity to our ratepayers.
Filomena Piffartti
No response received
Michelle Sutherland
It is very difficult for a single councillor to personally drive investment in a town Centre. It takes a council with vision led by a mayor that can drive the changes. As a councilor we should be up with the Directions 2031 and the State Government vision for the future. We need to work on facts and not emotion. I think we also need to be mindful of changing employment patterns in the future and the impact of technology. Investment is not going to be forthcoming in the Bayswater or Meltham if we don’t embrace change.