Future Bayswater:  Who are we?

Motivated Bayswater residents, ratepayers and local business owners who want to harness the collective goodwill of the community to inform debate about what makes a good town centre and vibrant future-focused community.

Representative of different demographics across the community including young families, mature families, older people, singles and different cultural groups.

Our group consists of a broad cross-section of professionals including, but not limited to, town planning, urban design, architecture, place-making, business, health promotion, community engagement and education.

Future Bayswater: What are We?

Non-partisan - our longevity of commitment spans political cycles, parties, social, economic and cultural change.

Promoters of evidence-based research working to influence policy and advocate on issues that will help make Bayswater a stronger and more vibrant place to live.

An informed commentator and credible advocate for a visionary long-term plan for Bayswater Town Centre, and on other issues affecting the growth and development of Bayswater now and into the future.

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Where we engage with the community about the latest topics, information and news.

Find Out More About Future Bayswater Events

Speaker Series: With leading housing, economics, planning, urban design, design and heritage experts.
Bayswater Growers' Market
The 6053 Pantry
Community Events