Future Bayswater
Workshop  #4 

Built Form.  Have Your Say!
Future Bayswater hosts the City of Bayswater Local Planning Strategy Focus Group

The "Building Bayswater" project will inform the City's first Local Planning Strategy
 which is a blueprint for the future development of our whole City.

Monday  27 November 2017

Bayswater Hotel.
78 Railway Pde Bayswater
 7pm start

This is your chance to share thoughts, ideas and expectations on how the City of Bayswater should respond to the challenges and opportunities within the City of Bayswater of:-

  • new development,
  • infill development and
  • redevelopment 

This process will help inform the City’s first Local Planning Strategy.

The Focus Group will be facilitated by the City of Bayswater and their consultant Shape Urban.
  It is a workshop style discussion about the future of built form and housing types. 

Come along and have your expectations and opinions on built form heard, so that the City of Bayswater can make representative and informed decisions about the future of density and built form across the City.

Monday 27 November, Bayswater Hotel, 7.00pm Start.

Future Bayswater Workshops 2017

Don't miss out on your opportunity to  to dig deeper on issues relevant
to the revitalisation of your Bayswater town centre

Click the button below to subscribe and we'll send you a personal early bird email reminder to each Workshop event.

Invite your friends, family, team mates, neighbours, your community and anyone interested in the future of Bayswater.

Follow the discussion of Future Bayswater on Facebook.

Future Bayswater: Future Vision

What is wanted? A livable, vibrant and connected Town Centre.
Why? To become a "go-to" destination rather than a "go through" in desperation.
How to do this? By supporting a comprehensive Future Vision via an Activity Centre Plan.
Why Bayswater? It's a strategic inner urban hub that hasn't realised its full potential ... yet.